


Together, sharing our core values.

the People. Inclusive. Diverse.

Our medium and our message.


Together, sharing our core values.


the People. Inclusive. Diverse.


Our medium and our message.

On this website lives a diverse, online collection of quilt art. All works, which were submitted and posted between 2017 and 2020, express a response to the first Trump administration. Essentially and extraordinarily, they display a focus on preserving our American democracy, our Constitutional and moral values, and our place in the world.Read More...

In Our Gallery

Please, Let’s Talk

A Woman’s Place is in the House

Sanctuary City

Too Raw

Structurally Unsound

The Day After No. 3

Blue Crosses, Blue Shields

Global Warming: Benefit or Peril

Inequality 4 All

Protect And Serve?

House of Guns